Unable to login, dxiportal login reports "Failed to login. Verify that user ID and password are correct"
DX Platform 2x
By default password expires after 180 days
How verify the condition
1) Monitor the dxi-adminui log
kubectl get pods -n<namespace> | grep dxi-adminui
kubectl exec -it <dxi-adminui-pod> bash -n<namespace>
cd logs
tail -f *.log
2) Attempt to login
3) in the logs you should see the "Password has expired" message
How to check default setting?
a) obtain the postgres pod name
kubectl get pods -n<namespace> | grep postgres
b) exec postgres pod
kubectl exec -it <postgres-pod> -n<namespace> bash
c) connect to aoplatform database
psql -U aopuser -d aoplatform
d) Check default validity Period:
select * from aradminpwdpolicy ;
orgname | minpasswordlength | maxpasswordlength | minnumericchars | minalphachars | minspecialchars | strikecount | allowedsplchars | isglobal | validityperiod |
passwordhistcount | isallowall
--globalorganization-- | 6 | 25 | 1 | 4 | 1 | 5 | | Y | 180 |
3 | N
If the affected user is the TENANT administrator:
Login to http://<apmservices-gateway>/dxiportal/#/dxiportal/login as MASTERADMIN
Go to Tenant Services,
Locate your Tenant, click "Configure"
Change the password
b) For any other user, login to the Tenant as Tenant administrator and change the password from "Manage User" option as below
Login to http://<apmservices-gateway>/dxiportal/#/dxiportal/login as the TENANT administrator user
Locate the affected user
Update the password
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