ETC changes when task Start/Finish date change
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ETC changes when task Start/Finish date change


Article ID: 192395


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Clarity PPM On Premise Clarity PPM SaaS


When ETC period time scale is configured to be by month, the Start date is set to the first of month if ETC is assigned. The finish date is set to the end of month if ETC is assigned. The issue happens when the user tries to change the start date back to its original date (example 6/15). The ETC for 6/20 will move / change. Same issue for finish date.


Release : All Supported Releases



This is working by design. When adding ETCs in the Time scale for a period, it will distribute it among all working days within the time period


To add ETCs to a specific day (days) - change the Time Scale view to daily then add the ETC within the daily view. This will then help prevent the need to change assignment start/finish dates and ensure ETC stays in the assigned days as much as possible

A few other options that can help:

  • Option 1: Use auto schedule after adding the ETCs.
    • This can help bring the dates back in (and thus the ETCs) but is dependent on the resource's allocation % during the task duration.
    • If the ETCs are higher than the allocation this won't help
    • The Project manager can test this functionality by creating a tentative schedule in the Clarity Gantt and validating the dates there.
  • Option 2: Add ETCs in the ETC totals column (but this would distribute it equally over the duration of the assignment)

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