Task Start/Finish Dates change when ETC is added to TSV
Article ID: 130339
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Clarity PPM SaaSClarity PPM On Premise
If assignment's ETC is manually changed by adding ETCs for certain days, weeks or months in a task's assignment TSV (Time-Scaled Value), the task dates change to only cover the period the assignment has ETCs in Clarity PPM.
Release: Component: PPRPRM
Change the tasks to Fixed Duration and Loading Pattern for the Assignment to Fixed can help in keeping task dates as expected.
Fixed Duration at the task level also helps keep the task dates from adjusting based on assignments beneath them.
The one impact of using fixed loading pattern versus other loading patterns is that it will cause any ETCs that haven't been submitted as actuals for any days prior to the actual thru date to be dropped. With other loading patterns, unused ETCs are pushed out to later in the task.