PGPlsp.dll still loaded when disabled at installation with msiexec switches
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PGPlsp.dll still loaded when disabled at installation with msiexec switches


Article ID: 191174


Updated On:


Desktop Email Encryption Drive Encryption


When installing the PGP Encryption Desktop (Symantec Encryption Desktop) client for Windows systems, using msiexec with the PGP_INSTALL_LSP=0 switch allows you to disable the LSP component. Please see article 171110 for details.

In some releases of PGP Encryption Desktop, LSP is still enabled even when it is disabled with the msiexec switch and can cause conflicts with other applications.


PGP Encryption Desktop 10.4.2 MP3, 10.4.2 MP4, 10.4.2 MP5 and 10.5.


Upgrade to PGP Encryption Desktop 10.5 MP1 or above.

If you cannot upgrade, please check with the third-party software vendors how to whitelist PGPlsp.dll or use the workaround described in article 153275.

Additional Information

Etrack: 4268554