Can you link from a portlet in Classic to the New UX?
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Can you link from a portlet in Classic to the New UX?


Article ID: 190306


Updated On:


Clarity PPM SaaS Clarity PPM On Premise


  • We want to map a link to the project name in Classic PPM, so that when a user clicks on it, the page redirects to the project details page in the New User Experience (UX).
  • Can you provide any pointers on how this may be done?


Release : All Supported Releases



  1. For NSQL based portlets, see the following communities post: Action Link to New UX Financials
  2. For objects, you can create a link using the steps below. 
  • This would be one global link that is the same general UX link for all instances of the object:

1. Go to Administration->Studio->Object

2. Click on Project

3. Click on Actions

4. Click New

5. Enter required information, for Type select External Link and amke sure Global is selected

6. Then enter the Enter URL

7. Click Save and Return

8. Go to the Views tab

9. Click the Actions Menu link in the Setup column link next to the location / row you want to add the link to

10. Click New

11. Enter a Menu Name and Menu Code

12. Select the Action you created in step 9 under Available Actions and move to Select Actions

13. Click Save and Return

Additional Information

  • See KB: 141061 for tips on how to optimize use of Self Service for Clarity PPM
  • See KB: 18799 - Clarity PPM: How to Create an Enhancement Request - ERQ for Suggestions to Improve