Follow the steps detailed the resolution section of this article to correct the MOI / Mainframe Operational Intelligence “ Unable
to show a URL for the metric <metric name> “ error message that is being displayed in MOI metric alert email notifications.
MOI release 2.0 service packs: 2.0.04 and 2.0.05
The Data Service Connector URL field value on the MOI MLSS ISPF Installation Notifications Configuration File panel is not the correct URL for accessing the MOI metric alert from the email that was sent out as a notification of the alert.
daasConnectorUrl: http://dataservice:7160 Note: Port 7160 is the non-TLS/SSL port.
daasConnectorUrl: https://dataservice:7161 Note: https: is required and Port 7161 is the TLS/SSL port.
The MOI product documentation was also out of date on this Data Service Connector URL field to be entered and has now been corrected in the product doc for both MOI release 2.0 service packs listed in the Environment section.
In future releases beyond service pack MOI 2.0.05, the Data Service Connector URL entry will be removed as a customer inputted value and will default to the correct Data Service Connector URL that is detailed in the resolution included in this article.
Please contact Broadcom Customer Support for MOI if you have any questions or concerns about the contents of this knowledge article.