I have tested Firefox, Chrome and Edge and they failed to support all the current features that our customers use on Web Viewer. We cannot save, export or print with these browsers.
I understand that support is being dropped for IE11. We are currently running Output Management Web Viewer 12.1 and using Internet Explorer. If Microsoft isn't going to be supporting Internet Explorer, what browser will work with our current OM Web Viewer?
Chrome and Edge Support was originally published as LU01289 Chrome Edge Support, Build 209. Install the latest cumulative build instead to get all related maintenance and vulnerability solutions.
Please note that there are some differences in the support as the modern browsers do not support ActiveX controls. With Chrome and Edge you will need to use Browser printing and SMTP email. See instructions below:
Important NOTE: Do not run Edge in IE mode after applying this maintenance.
The OM Web Viewer Supportability Matrix for 12.1 has been updated. Firefox is not supported.
Product Announcement for OM Web Viewer r12.1 – Chrome and Edge Support