Chrome and Edge Browser Printing with OM Web Viewer 12.1
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Chrome and Edge Browser Printing with OM Web Viewer 12.1


Article ID: 216408


Updated On: 09-05-2024


Output Management Web Viewer


How do you print in Chrome? 


  • Output Management Web Viewer 12.1
  • Google Chrome
  • Microsoft Edge


You must have a minimum of cumulative build 209 or higher.  If not, apply Maintenance for OM Web Viewer 12.1
which lists the latest cumulative maintenance which would include any security fixes and hyper PTFs.  NOTE that the platform displayed does not matter the content is the same for all platforms.

There are two types of printing – Print Friendly browser and Browser Add-on. What is needed now with Chrome/Edge support is Print Friendly browser printing.  Browser Add-on printing is no longer available with IE11.

Configure Print Friendly browser printing from the Administration tab.  This is only done once and it applies to everyone. 

  1. From the Administration tab, click the Preferences Tab.
  2. Click the Output Defaults link.
  3. Select the print method. Choose Web Browser Printing to enable the print-friendly browser page.

To print a report: 

  1. Open the print dialog and complete the fields:
        Specify the options for Page Range and Font Size.
  2. Click Print to show the report in Print Friendly Page window.
  3. Click Print or Print Preview.

Your original report remains open while you use Print.

Documentation References:

Configuring Printing