How to Debug Performance Management Notification email failures
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How to Debug Performance Management Notification email failures


Article ID: 184072


Updated On:


CA Infrastructure Management CA Performance Management - Usage and Administration DX NetOps


Notification emails in Performance Management are not being sent out to users.  The users report the emails are not received

This solution shows how to enable debug for failures related to email notifications for events


All Supported Performance Management environments


The debug will help determine if the problem is within the Performance Management product, or the email server receiving and sending the email request.


Use the following instructions to enable the debug necessary to determine the cause for this problem.

  1. Go to http://<PM_HOST>:8181/pc/center/admin/debug/servers/em/admin/config/logs
  2. Find the following classes on the page:
  3. If either class is missing use the 'Add/Update a logging category' option to add each one with the INHERITED level
  4. Change the level for each class from "INHERITED" to "TRACE"
  5. Select the Update button found at the top and bottom of the page. Refresh the page to confirm the entries are set to TRACE.
  6. Wait for new notification event emails to go out. We should see the connection to the email servers, and the email being sent out, in the enabled logging show up in the Event Manager logs.

Gather the debug logging by creating a diagnostics logging package using the Remote Engineer script.

Run the script on the Performance Management Performance Center web server and submit it to support.

Instructions are found below in Additional Information documentation link.

Additional Information

details about setting up the debug:

details about gathering the logs: