Creating locations in CMDB and then automatically assigning them to computers or users is a two-part process. Neither is automatic unless later configured to be so.
ITMS 8.x
The following information provides examples of how each process can be accomplished, of which the customer can then decide how best to implement. Note: (1) Various asset types have a Location, including computers, user, monitors, etc. In general, these instructions and the related articles apply to computers or users; however, the customer can adapt these instructions for use with other asset types or associations, such as departments or cost centers, as applicable. (2) For Departments, one way to automate this can also be via the Microsoft Active Directory Import. However, Active Directory must contain the necessary department data for this to work.
Note: This article can also be used to just create locations but not necessarily assign them to computers. If this is all that is needed, follow just Part 1.
Limitations with Importing Locations
The following important points should be understood on how importing locations does not work:
The following instructions assume that computers or users (or the asset types that locations are to be assigned to, such as monitors) are already present in CMDB for locations to later be associated to. If not, the customer will first need to bring these into CMDB, such as by performing a Microsoft Active Directory Import, before continuing with these instructions.
Part 1: Create Locations.
Important Note: Locations should not be confused for departments (Organizational Types > Department) or organizational views and groups (Manage > Organizational Views and Groups). These are all separate. While in many of the articles related to these instructions, departments can be substituted for locations, computers do not have departments; only users do. (Users can actually have both a location and a department.) Organizational groups can have locations or departments, which then include assets such as computers or users, where applicable.
The following are the two most common ways to create locations:
Note: This part can be skipped if locations are already present in CMDB.
Part 2: Automate the Assignment of Locations to Assets.
Various methods are available to automatically assign the location to assets, depending on the asset type. Note: There are no out of box methods to automatically assign locations to users; one of the below methods would have to be therefore used.
Part 3: Update Organizational Hierarchy Groups.
Organizational hierarchy (CMDB) groups (Manage > Organizational Views and Groups) will, by default, automatically update with new locations and their assets. Refer to the following article for more information:
181510 Automatically update organizational hierarchy groups
155139 Import Rule fails to set or removes Asset Owner or Cost Center