Re-enrolling PGP Encryption Desktop for Linux Clients (Symantec Encryption Desktop)
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Re-enrolling PGP Encryption Desktop for Linux Clients (Symantec Encryption Desktop)


Article ID: 181366


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 This article will show you how to re-enroll the PGP Encryption Desktop client (Symantec Encryption Desktop) to the PGP Encryption Server (Symantec Encryption Management Server).


When PGP Encryption Desktop for Linux is enrolled and configured, a file in the .pgp directory, which is located in the user's home directory, is created called PGPprefs.xml.   The PGPprefs.xml file contains all the configuration information pertaining to the client.  If the PGP Encryption Desktop client is enrolled to a PGP Encryption Server (SEMS), then all policy to the client is controlled by this PGPprefs.xml file.

In some cases, it may be necessary to re-enroll a PGP Encryption Desktop client for Linux.  This article explains how to do so:


*PGP Encryption Desktop has been installed on the Linux client.


Re-enrolling to the PGP Encryption Desktop for a client configured by the PGP Encryption Server (managed client)

1. Navigate to the .pgp directory where the PGPprefs.xml file is stored:

cd ~/.pgp

2. The location should now be in /User's-Profile/.pgp.

3. If the original PGPprefs.xml file is needed for any reason, back it up to a new location, otherwise, remove it:

rm PGPprefs.xml

A prompt will appear to confirm removal of the PGPprefs.xml file.  If a prompt to remove any other files appears, enter "n".  Otherwise, enter "y" to confirm removal of the PGPprefs.xml file.

4. Run the following command to re-enroll the PGP Encryption Desktop client:

pgpenroll --enroll

5. Enter the username and password of the user to enroll to.

6. Once enrolled, it will now be configured with the policy managed by the PGP Encryption Server.

7. Run the following command to confirm communication to the PGP Server is successful:

pgpenroll --check-enroll

If communication is not successful, a message similar to the following will occur:

Error code -11097: connection not available.

If the feedback to this command ends with "Done.", then communication to the server is successful.


Enrolling to a different PGP Encryption Server, or converting from standalone to managed

If enrolling to a PGP Encryption Server that has a different hostname than the SED client originally enrolled to, please reach out to Symantec Encryption Support for further guidance.

Additional Information

153668 - Enroll PGP Encryption Desktop client using Directory Authentication with PGP Encryption Server (Symantec Encryption Management Server)

180181 - Re-enrolling PGP Encryption Desktop for Windows clients (Symantec Encryption Desktop)
181366 - Re-enrolling PGP Encryption Desktop for Linux Clients (Symantec Encryption Desktop)
155714 - Re-enrolling PGP Encryption Desktop for macOS X clients (Symantec Encryption Desktop)

217682 - Enrolling a user on multiple machines with PGP Encryption Desktop with SCKM Keymode (Symantec Encryption Desktop) 

153688 - Enable Silent Enrollment for PGP Encryption Desktop (Symantec Encryption Desktop)
181069 - Configure Invisible Silent Enrollment for PGP Encryption Desktop (Symantec Encryption Desktop Clients)

153437 - Using Email Enrollment for PGP Desktop Clients with the PGP Server (Symantec Encryption Management Server)
153324 - PGP Email Proxy Fails or Next Button Grayed out during Enrollment to PGP Encryption Server (Symantec Encryption Management Server)