List of 8.x Windows PMImport Release Dates
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List of 8.x Windows PMImport Release Dates


Article ID: 180967


Updated On: 03-13-2025


Patch Management Solution Client Management Suite IT Management Suite


List of 8.x Windows PMImport Release Dates

Note: There is a change to the data feed. For more information on this change, please see the community forum post,  New version of Symantec Patch Management data feed



The linked Release Notes are intended to help understand the changes that can be expected during the PMImport process.  The release notes will typically be released on the 2nd and 4th week of each month. 
If Out-of-Band (OOB) Software Bulletins are released; there will be a corresponding OOB PMImport provided. To date, these have usually been available within 24 hours for English and 48 hours for all additional languages, however, this is a guideline and may vary due to individual deployment requirements and testing of the released Software Updates.

See Detailed Import Patch Management for Windows access to SolutionSam

Click on an entry below to view the Release Notes for that month: