Backup and Restore the Messaging Gateway
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Backup and Restore the Messaging Gateway


Article ID: 180646


Updated On:


Messaging Gateway


Backing up the configuration of SMG prior to a version update.



Command Line:

Store backup locally on the system

To store the backup in the Control Center console:

  • "db-backup" (NOTE: Backup will be available to download in the Control Center (Administration -> Version -> Restore/Download). On the file system, backups are stored in the path /data/backups)

Store on a remote server

To use an SCP server:

  • "db-backup -f scp://user:password@hostname/path_to_store_file/"
    • Where user is replaced by the username on the SCP server, password is replaced by the password, hostname is replaced by the IP of the SCP server, and path_to_store_file is replaced by a path pre-existing on the SCP server.
    • The path should always end with a "/" (without the quotes).

To use an FTP server:

  • "db-backup -f ftp://user:password@hostname/path_to_store_file/"
    • Where user is replaced by the username on the FTP server, password is replaced by the password, hostname is replaced by the IP of the FTP server, and path_to_store_file is replaced by a path pre-existing on the FTP server.
    • The path should always end with a "/" (without the quotes).
    • "db-backup --help" will give you the options for the db-backup command

Control Center Web Interface:

Open the Control Center and go to (Administration -> Version)

Store backup locally on the system

Click Backup Now.

Select your backup type:

  • Full Backup
  • Custom backup
  • Policies only
    • Configuration (includes policies)
      • Include content incident messages
      • Include report data
      • Include log data

Select "Store backup on server".

Click "Backup now".

Store on a remote server

Click Backup Now.

Select your backup type:

  • Full Backup
  • Custom backup
  • Policies only
    • Configuration (includes policies)
      • Include content incident messages
      • Include report data
      • Include log data
  • Select Store backup on remote location using FTP or SCP.
  • Add IP address and port of FTP or SCP server.
  • Add a path (NOTE: you must have something in this box. If you want to specify the root of the FTP server then put "/" without the quotes in this box. Any backup path must end with a "/" without the quotes)
  • Optionally add a username and password. (required with SCP)
  • Click "Backup Now".


(NOTE: Backups can only be restored on the same version and build they were created on)

Command Line:

To restore a locally stored backup

  • Run `db-restore --list`
  • Run db-restore [file_name]
    • Example: `db-restore db-backup.10.7.3-5.brightmail.May-22-20-08-42.full.manual.tar.bz2`

To restore a backup using SCP

  • "db-restore scp://user@hostname/path_to_file/filename"
    • Format is: db-restore scp://@//
    • Where user is replaced with the username, hostname is replaced with the server IP, path_to_file is the path where the backup is stored and filename is the file name of the backup file).

Control Center Web Interface:

Open the Control Center and go to (Administration -> Version -> Restore/Download)

To Restore/Download backup from server

  • Select "Restore/Download backup from server" and select the backup.
  • Click "Restore".

To Restore backup from a remote location

  • Select "Restore backup from a remote location" and enter the FTP or SCP server information. (NOTE: File name requires an entry if there is no path enter "/" without the quotes)
  • Click Restore.
  • (NOTE: Files uploaded through the control center web interface can be a maximum size of 2GB. Larger files must be restored using the command line interface)

To Upload a backup file from your local computer

  • Select "Upload a backup file from your local computer" and browse the local computer for the backup file.
  • Click Restore.
  • (NOTE: Files uploaded through the control center web interface can be a maximum size of 2GB. Larger files must be restored using the command line interface)

Additional Information