The Symantec Management Agent (SMA) Software Updates tab is blank - The software update plugin is not ready..
This happens after a fresh install of the SMA and the Altiris Software Update Agent (plug-in). After filters are updated on the Notification Server and the computer is a member of a SW Update Plug-in policy, the tab will show correctly once the agent updates configuration.
If the Default Software Update Plug-in policy is disabled, and the computer is not in the target of one of the clones of the default, the Software Updates tab will remain blank
Navigate in the Symantec Management Console to Settings > All Settings > Agents/Plug-ins > Software > Patch Management > Windows.
If the Default Software Update Plug-in (DSUP) Policy is disabled, add the computer to the appropriate clone of the DSUP. Once the computer runs a configuration update, the tab will no longer be blank.
When creating clones, always clone the DSUP - never clone a clone, or corruption of the policy may occur.
The DSUP does not have a target section; if enabled, it automatically targets all Windows computers with the SW Update plug-in installed. If disabled, computers must be added to a clone's target.