HOW TO: Import a Keypair into PGP Encryption Desktop (Windows)
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HOW TO: Import a Keypair into PGP Encryption Desktop (Windows)


Article ID: 180128


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Symantec Products


 This article describes how to import a public and private keypair into PGP Desktop for Windows.



  1. Click the PGP Tray lock icon in your system tray and then click Open Symantec Encryption Desktop:
  2. Click the PGP Keys control box and select the keyring into which your key will be imported.
  3. Click the File menu, then click Import:
  4. Browse to the location of the keypair, then select it and click Open:
  5. When the Select key(s) window appears, make sure your keypair is selected, then click Import.
  6. Click OK.
  7. Right-click on the newly imported keypair, then click Key Properties:
  8. On the properties window, change the Trust setting from None to Implicit:
  9. Close the properties window.

Additional Information

153196 - Backup/Export PGP Keypairs

180127 - HOW TO: Add Existing Keyrings to PGP Desktop for Windows

180129 - HOW TO: Access the Backup Keyrings Created Automatically by PGP Desktop for Windows

153195 - "It is not possible to decrypt this message..." Unable to decrypt - Keyring does not contain usable private keys

180130 - HOW TO: Reconstruct Your Private Key for Windows

153511 - Additional Decryption Key (ADK) Guidelines for Symantec Encryption Management Server

153477 - Import an ADK to Symantec Encryption Management Server (aka PGP Universal Server)