Add Existing Keyrings to PGP Encryption Desktop for Windows
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Add Existing Keyrings to PGP Encryption Desktop for Windows


Article ID: 180127


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 This article describes how to add existing keyring files to PGP Encryption Desktop Windows.



  1. Click the PGP Tray lock icon in your system tray and then click Open Symantec Encryption Desktop:
  2. Right-click on the title of the PGP Keys control box, then click Add:
  3. When the PGP Keyring Properties window opens, type a descriptive name for the keyrings in the Name field, then click the button to the right of the Public keyring file field:

  4. Browse to the location of the existing public keyring file, then select it and click Open:
  5. Now click the button to the right of the Private keyring file field:
  6. Browse to the location of the existing private keyring file, then select it and click Open:
  7. Click OK to close the PGP Keyring Properties window:
  8. The keyrings are now accessible by the name you gave them in step 3:

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