Gather troubleshooting information for the Unix, Linux and Mac SMP Agent and Inventory Solution
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Gather troubleshooting information for the Unix, Linux and Mac SMP Agent and Inventory Solution


Article ID: 179983


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Client Management Suite IT Management Suite


How to gather troubleshooting information for the Unix, Linux and Mac SMP Agent and Inventory Solution


ITMS 8.x


To collect all available data from ULM machine for Inventory troubleshooting please do the following:

1. Collect information about agent and plug-ins:

  • Run:aex-helper list all -f > /tmp/

2. Gather output for all inventory solution commands issued and their results. To do so, insert the following lines to the /opt/altiris/notification/nsagent/bin/aex-env file:


3. Set DEVNOTE log level, unset log file limits, set backup dir for all NSE files, restart agent, empty client log

  • Run: aex-helper agent -s "Configuration" debug_level DEVNOTE
  • Run: aex-helper agent -s "Configuration" debug_file_size 0
  • Run: aex-helper agent -s "Event Queue" backup_dir /tmp
  • Run: aex-helper agent restart
  • Run: sudo rm /opt/altiris/notification/nsagent/var/*log*

4. Run an inventory task with appropriate options set in the main window and the advanced window tabs.

5. Run the attached shell script,, to automatically run the individual inventory scripts. The output is gathered in the /tmp/syminvdata.out file, by default. It is also possible to run individual scripts for individual data classes, as explained in knowledge base article: Run individual scripts to view data gathered by Inventory Solution for Unix, Linux and Macintosh 8.x

. In case of running individual scripts, collect the data from the on-screen output, as there will be no file generated. 

6. Collect files and send the following files to Symantec Technical Support or other representative for review:

  • /tmp/
  • /tmp/cache.out
  • /tmp/*.nse
  • /tmp/syminvdata.out
  • /opt/altiris/notification/nsagent/var/aex-client.log
  • /opt/altiris/notification/inventory/var/log/<datetime>.log, if any exist.

7. Undo the above settings to prevent unnecessary file accumulation.

  • Remove the AEX_LAUNCHER_HOST lines from the aex-env file
  • Run: aex-helper agent -s "Configuration" debug_level ERROR
  • Run: aex-helper agent -s "Configuration" debug_file_size 1024
  • Run: aex-helper agent -s "Event Queue" backup_dir ""
  • Run: aex-helper agent restart

Note: Setting a value to "" (empty double quotes) will set a client.conf value to null/blank. 

To use the script named, please do the following:

  • Download the script file to the client computer, which should be a Unix, Linux or mac computer
  • Run the following command (or use an alternate method of your choice) to change to the Unix line endings: perl -p -e ’s/\r$//’ < >
  • Run the following command to make the script executable: chmod 755
  • Run the script: ./
  • Gather the output file, which is hard-coded to be: /tmp/syminvdata.out.

Attachments get_app