Run individual scripts to view data gathered by Inventory Solution for Unix, Linux and Macintosh 8.x
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Run individual scripts to view data gathered by Inventory Solution for Unix, Linux and Macintosh 8.x


Article ID: 179940


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Inventory Solution Client Management Suite IT Management Suite


How to run individual scripts to view data gathered by Inventory Solution for Unix, Linux and Macintosh 8.x


Inventory for ULM includes individual scripts to gather inventory data. These scripts are found at:


There are scripts to gather memory, processor, disk and much more inventory data. Running these scripts from a shell will display the results to a screen. This provides a method to see exactly what inventory solution is gathering from a client computer.
Scripts are categorized as follows: Hardware (HW), Operating System (OS), Software (SW) and User & Group (UG). Sub-directories for each of these categories, each of which contains multiple inventory scripts, are:
  • CltInv_HW
  • CltInv_OS
  • CltInv_SW
  • CltInv_UG
If Inventory Pack for Servers is installed, the following directories will also exist here: 
  • SrvInv_DB 
  • SrvInv_OS 
  • SrvInv_VM 
  • SrvInv_WEB
To run these inventory scripts: 
  1. cd to:                   /opt/altiris/notification/inventory/var/repo/providers/CltInv_Common/aex-shellprovider/scripts/
  2. Run the script:   ./CltInv_<category>/<scriptname>

The output should display on the screen. (The "Invalid GUID" messages can be ignored when running the scripts manually.)

Note: You will need to run these with root privileges (login as 'root' or use sudo). Also, some data may not be returned if authentication is required, i.e., Inventory Pack for Servers database inventory.

The figure above shows an example of how to find and run the script on a Solaris Machine. The bash shell can be opened by entering the bash into the terminal.

 IMPORTANT: Do NOT modify these scripts. Doing so could break inventory solution.