Create an Automation Policy to move computers into an Organization Group
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Create an Automation Policy to move computers into an Organization Group


Article ID: 178901


Updated On:


IT Management Suite


How to create an Automation Policy to move computers into an Organization Group?


ITMS 8.x


Create a new "Assign to Organizational Group" task and select the newly created OU into the "Group" box:

Create a new Task in a new or existing custom folder location.

Choose the Task type under "Notification Server > Assign to Organizational Group"

From the Drop down, choose the computers should be moved to.

Select the "Must only contain" radio button. You are done with the task.

Create an Automation Policy to use this new Task by going to "Manage > Automation Policies":

Create a new Automation Policy.  The key details of this policy will be the "Data Source" and "Actions":

DATA SOURCE: Usually the source for these tasks will use a "Raw SQL Query" to identify the computers that should be moved to the selected OU.  

See below for an example SQL Query

select guid
from vRM_Computer_Item
where Name like '%CL-%'


In this section select the task previously created.

Select the "Input parameters" link and specify similar to the following:

Save the Automation Policy, and give it a test run. After running the policy all computers whose GUIDs are returned by the query should be assinged to the specified OU.

Additional Information

181792 How to create an Automation Policy to move resources into an Organizational Group