Download, Install then Import Windows Preboot Operating Systems Into Ghost Solution Suite 3.X (Console Installation)
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Download, Install then Import Windows Preboot Operating Systems Into Ghost Solution Suite 3.X (Console Installation)


Article ID: 178767


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Ghost Solution Suite


How To Import Windows Preboot Operating Systems Into Ghost Solution Suite 3.X (Console Installation)


GSS 3.x


How To Import Windows Preboot Operating Systems Into Ghost Solution Suite 3.X (Console Installation)


Imaging a hard drive usually requires that the computer is booted to "Automation Preboot Environment" rather than the "Production" Windows that you are trying to image. Windows PE 10 / 11 is a suitable Automation Preboot operating system for almost every Windows imaging circumstance. (No matter what Windows OS you have installed Ghost on, or you intend to deploy, the Windows 10 ADK or newer is suitable unless your machine is too old to boot to Windows 10). This tutorial will show you how to import a Windows Preboot Operating system into Ghost Solution Suite 3.x. 

Please note that this is for Ghost Solution Suite console installation. If you are using Ghost Standard Tools, the instructions are in another article, KB 178835

1. Download the Windows Assessment and Deployment Kit.  You need the latest supported version per the product release notes:

  Preferred: Windows Assessment and Deployment Kit (Windows ADK) for Windows 10 / 11, (WinPE10 / 11, Windows 10 / 11) 

NOTE: Windows 11 ADK can also be used.

NOTE: If installing a newer version of Windows ADK, and there is an ADK currently installed, Windows ADK must be uninstalled prior to installation of the new ADK.  (This applies to upgrades to Win11 ADK, or a new Win10 version).

NOTE: As of Windows 10 / 11 ADK build 1809 the ADK has been split by Microsoft into 2 files, both files will need to be downloaded and installed for it to work this includes:

  • ADK for Windows 10 / 11
  • Windows PE add-on for ADK

Install as directed to the default path on the GSS server. When asked for features to install, these are the only two that need to be checked:

NOTE: (Uncheck the other features to decrease the size of this installation and the time required to complete the tasks.)

  • Deployment Tools (from first ADK File)
  • Windows Preinstallation Environment = WinPE (This is included in the Windows PE add on for ADK)

2. Launch the Ghost Solution Suite Console. In the console, click on Tools > Boot Disk Creator.

3. In the Boot Disk Creator, if you do not already have a Preboot environment installed, you will see "Step 1 of 2: Pre-boot Operating System Files". Select "WinPE 10 (or 11) x64"  (If you do not see this Wizard, click Tools - Install Pre-Boot Operating Systems.)

4. Click the radio button for "Pre-installed ADK", then browse to C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits. Click Next.

5. It will take a couple of minutes to completely import this. After it completes, you will see a screen that says "Step 2 of 2: Install Complete". Click Finish.

6. A pop-up will then appear. Click Cancel.

If you intend to use any 32- bit machines follow these steps to import the 32 bit Windows PE.

7. Click Tools > Install Pre-Boot Operating Systems.

8. Select "WinPE 10 x86". Click the radio button for "Pre-installed ADK", then browse to C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits. Click Next.

9. As with the WinPE 10 64 import, this too will take a couple of minutes. When it completes, click Finish.


Ghost now has the default WinPE 10 or 11 pre-boot operating systems imported and ready for use with PXE configurations or Boot Disk Creator.