How to create an SSL certificate to be used to secure SEE Client Communication with the Symantec Endpoint Encryption Management Server
TIP: For information on how to Troubleshoot SEE Client Creation and SEE Client communication, see the following article:
155127 - Symantec Endpoint Encryption Client communication and SEE Client Creation troubleshooting steps
Symantec recommends using the HTTPS protocol to secure communications between the Symantec Endpoint Encryption Management Server and deployed SEE clients. In order to secure these communications an SSL Certificate is needed.
This article covers the basic process for creating an SSL Certificate suitable for use with Symantec Endpoint Encryption (SEE) version 11.x
NOTE: The same process can be used with previous versions of SEE as well. The user interfaces and exact steps may differ slightly depending on the OS hosting the SEE Management Server, but the general steps are the same.
Skip to the bottom of this article for Troubleshooting
The protocol used for communication can be configured using the SEEMS Configuration Manager. The Web Server Configuration page will allow you to choose from HTTP or HTTPS. If HTTPS is chosen a CA Certificate and a Server Certificate will need to be configured. This article will include instructions for creating the files needed for this configuration.
When the SEE client is built from the SEE Management Server, the Root\Signing certificate is embedded in the client. Because of this, it is very important to choose the proper certificate strategy as this is the certificate that will be used to communicate with the SEE Management Server. When the Signing certificate or Server certificate expires, the SEE client will stop communicating, so it is important to ensure these certificates are replaced prior to expiration. If the Root\Signing certificate is going to expire, either a new SEE Client should be re-deployed after the new certificates are assigned to the management server, or the "Server commands" are used prior to the certificates expiring.
This article will go over two sections, one for OpenSSL and the second for CSR via IIS.
If you would like to use OpenSSL to create the CSR process, run the following command:
openssl req -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout New-Server-Keypair.key -out CSR-to-give-to-CA.crt
This will prompt you for all the applicable fields for the certificate, including a passphrase. Be sure to remember the passphrase and to keep it secure for later.
The New-Server-Keypair.key contains the private key. Do **not** provide this to your Certificate Authority.
The CSR-to-give-to-CA.crt file is only a public portion of the cert and this **is** what you provide to your Certificate Authority. They will provide a fully signed certificate back in .cer format, which will include the CA signed portion along with the full chain.
In order to then bundle the signed CSR to your private key, run the following openssl command:
openssl pkcs12 -export -in signed-CSR-from-CA.crt -inkey New-Server-Keypair.key -out certificate.pfx
The signed-CSR-from-CA.crt file is what you received back from the CA and is the signed request.
The New-Server-Keypair.key file is the keypair you generated from the previous steps.
The certificate.pfx will be the result of combining the signed .crt file and the .key file into a bundled certificate that can then be used.
Once you have the .pfx file, you can then take this to your SEE Management Server, import to the certificate store. Next, export the public portion of this newly-signed certificate and you can then assign to the SEE Management Server.
TIP: Read through the rest of this document for other general best practices.
Section 2: Using IIS to Generate a CSR
1. Decide which kind of Certificate Authority (CA) will sign your certificate
Having a Trusted Certificate Authority is the best option to use as these are all internally trusted automatically. Having an Internal Microsoft Certificate Authority also works well as long as the signing certificate is trusted on an enterprise level by machines joined to the domain.
WARNING: Using Self-Signed certificates is highly discouraged due to the loss of communication that occurs when the certificate expires and no option to renew. It is handy to use a self-signed certificate for testing purposes only, but once you move to production, ensure the self-signed certificate is not used. When the certificate expires, the SEE clients will no longer communicate with the SEE Management Server.
2. Open the Server Certificates section in Internet Information Services (IIS) on the server hosting the Symantec Endpoint Encryption Management Server
After opening IIS, select your server in the left pane, and double-click Server Certificates in the center pane
3. Skip to the appropriate section depending on which type of Certificate Authority was chosen
3A. If using a Third party Certificate Authority or an Internal Microsoft Stand-alone Certificate Authority:
Proceed to step 4
3B. If using an Internal Microsoft Enterprise level Certificate Authority
Proceed to step 4
3C. If using a Self-Signed Certificate
Proceed to step 4
4. Export the new certificate for use in the SEEMS Configuration Manager
5. Configure the Web Server in the SEEMS Configuration Manager
NOTE: Depending on which version you are using, the User Interface may appear different, but the steps will remain the same
TIP: When using a trusted certificate authority such as Digicert when attempting to browse to the "CA certificate", or signing certificate, it may be possible to browse to the CA-signed server cert instead of directly to the root/intermediate, and the configuration manager will automatically resolve which certificate should be assigned here. If attempting to assign the Root/Intermediate cert directly produces an error, try to browse to the server cert instead.
6. Create and Deploy Client software
Load Balancers and TLS Termination
Normally when the Server certificate assigned to the SEE Management Server expires, the SEE Clients will stop communicating, this is why it is important to renew the server certificate so the SEE Clients will continue to check in. The exception to this is when Load Balancers are used performing TLS Termination. The following can be configured in order to allow clients to communicate even when a new Root\Signing certificate or Server certificate has expired:
When the above applies, even if the signing server certificate, or server certificate has been replaced, communication should continue to happen. If the Root\Signing certificate on the client expires, the client should be re-deployed.
To check which the thumbprint configured on a current SEE install, check the following registry key:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Encryption Anywhere\Framework\Client Database\CommunicationCertificateID
The above can be compared with the CA certificate on the SEE Management Server.
Scenario 1 of 3: Connection issue with TLS Certificate Binding
Once a certificate has been assigned, if there are errors such as the following, check to ensure the binding is correct within IIS for the certificate being assigned.
"Turn on TLS 1.0, 1.1, and TLS 1.2"
Caveat: for this example, we will be using a self-signed certificate. This is HIGHLY discouraged, and is provided only as an example, when using certificates, use only certificates signed by Internal Certificate Authorities, or Trusted Certificate Authorities, such as Digicert.
It is always a good idea to make note of the Thumbprint of the certificate in question so that you know you are working with the correct certificates. When there is a Root certificate, make note of its Thumbprint, if there is an Intermediate Certificate, make note of that so it is very clear as to which certificates you will be using to assign. In this case, the Thumbprint is "9b 83...df b8" for both the CA certificate and Server certificate:
Next, when you assign the certificates to the SEEMS Configuration Manager, you will browse to the Root certificate and the Server certificate. When you do this, the Thumbprint will also be populated. Ensure these match. Because we are using the same certificate for both CA certificate an Server certificate, the same Thumbprint is listed here:
Now that you have determined you are working with the correct certificates, open up IIS and click on the top-level domain, then on the right side, open up "Server Certificates" and you will be able to view the certificates you are working with. If the certificates you need to use are not listed here, you can import them to the list:
Notice the Certificate Hash above, and that it is the same as the Thumbprint of the certificate we are working with.
Next, in IIS click the Symantec Endpoint Encryption Services website, and to the right you will see the "Bindings...". Open this to view the bindings, there should be a binding for https. You will then see the "https" binding. Click that and click edit to view the certificate assigned to the port:
If you click the dropdown next to the SSL certificate field, you will see available certificates you can assign. Select the cert you believe to be correct, and then click "View..." to again confirm the Thumbprint. If this matches, this should be all that is needed to ensure the certificates are assigned. Again, in this example, we used a self-signed certificate for simplicity, however, in a real-world scenario, use certificates only signed by Internal CAs that are trusted domain wide, or certificates signed by a trusted Certificate Authority such as Digicert.
It's a good idea to restart the IIS services via the command line in order to ensure the configuration will take effect immediately by running the following via admin prompt:
When the SEE Client is created, the Root certificate is embedded into the client for client-server communications. The final step to ensure the systems deployed to the organization will trust the root certificate that was embedded into the client is to validate the Root certificate assigned to the "CA certificate" field is same as what is included in the client. Check the Trusted Certificates of some sample machines to ensure the root is also included.
Make sure the hostname assigned to the server certificate matches that of the hostname the SEE client will communicate back with.
On the client machine where SEE is installed, check the Thumbprint for the Root certificate and ensure it is the same. This can be done by looking in the following location in the registry:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Encryption Anywhere\Framework\Client Database\CommunicationCertificateID
Scenario 2 of 3: Dual Root Certificate for each SEE Management Server
If you have two management servers, it is possible to have a separate root certificate on each of the servers. Although this is not recommended, it is possible, but there was an issue where the proper cert was not getting built in to the client properly.
This issue has been resolved in the SEE Client 12.0.1.
Scenario 3 of 3: TLS 1.0/1.1 VS TLS 1.2
If you are running SEE 11.3.1 or above, it's a good idea to disable HTTPS for your SEE Cients. All SEE Clients will now use TLS 1.2 going forward.
The Root Certificate must be considered when doing this to ensure proper communication going forward.
214267 - Enable TLS/SSL for the Database on Symantec Endpoint Encryption Configuration Manager (SEE)
176302 - Renewing the Symantec Endpoint Encryption Management Server TLS certificate (SEE)
180416 - How to Install an SSL Certificate for Symantec Encryption Management Server (PGP Server)
156303 - Symantec Encryption Products Current Version Available