Content filtering on the ProxySG or ASG categorizes all URLs as 'none'
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Content filtering on the ProxySG or ASG categorizes all URLs as 'none'


Article ID: 173294


Updated On:


Advanced Secure Gateway Software - ASG ProxySG Software - SGOS


In access logs, policy traces, and when testing content filtering categories on the ProxySG, any URL tested returns none@BlueCoat. 


This is because the content filtering database has expired on the appliance. When the content filter database expires, all categories are set to none.


Renew the BCWF/BCIS subscription, and re-download the database. Please note that it can take a while for the subscription server to update, as well as the database to download.

Note: Content Filtering subscription license expiring will not have any effect on production and will function as expected until the database expires on the appliance.  The Content Filtering will no longer receive updates, yet the device will still categorize based on the latest installed database. Please refer to Article ID: 167295 and Article ID: 254285 for more information.