You are seeing Health Monitor Event Log messages which have 'No Input' for various hardware components in either S200, S400, or S500 series Edge SWG (ProxySG) appliances.
2017-06-27 20:03:45+09:00JST "Health Monitor (CRITICAL): DIMM D3 temperature
is 'No Input'" 9 6F0102:1 Mailed notifier.cpp:112
2017-03-05 17:29:17-00:00UTC "Health Monitor (CRITICAL): Memory EF I/O voltage
is 'No Input'" 9 6F0102:1 notifier.cpp:112
2017-03-01 05:26:44-00:00UTC "Health Monitor (CRITICAL): CPU 2 temperature is
'No Input'" 9 6F0102:1 notifier.cpp:112
Stat: DIMM A1 temperature
Current State : CRITICAL
Last Transition : Tue, 28 Sep 2021 00:42:55 UTC
Current Value : No Input
High Critical Threshold : 76.0
High Warning Threshold : 73.0
Low Warning Threshold : 3.0
Low Critical Threshold : 1.0
Notification Method : log
S200, S400, or S500 series Edge SWG.
There is a problem in the firmware of the Baseboard Management Controller (BMC) which could cause it to report 'No Input' nonexistent hardware.
This is a cosmetic issue where 'No Input' messages can be generated for nonexistent hardware on the ProxySG.
Upgrade to the latest BMC firmware on S-Series appliances.
To temporarily address the cosmetic issue, you can work around this by performing a reboot of the Edge SWG.