Appliance Error: "Authentication agent rejected request (Context Lost)"
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Appliance Error: "Authentication agent rejected request (Context Lost)"


Article ID: 170267


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ProxySG Software - SGOS


  • You are seeing exception page Appliance Error (internal_error) when IWA Authentication is configured
  • When running a policy trace, you see the following exception when trying to authenticate

                  EXCEPTION(internal_error): An unrecoverable internal error

                  Last Error: The IWA direct realm encountered an unmapped error code, contact your system administrator.

  • You may also see the same error when using the “Test Configuration” option on the proxy under Configuration > IWA > IWA Servers


The "context lost" portion of the exception is an indication of the domain no longer being able to identify what the authentication request refers to. 


Rejoining the proxy to the Windows Domain resolved the issue.

Note: There are other circumstances where the internal_error exception may appear. Please review the additional related articles below for further information: 

Content Encoding Error (content_encoding_error)

Event Log message: "Message: Clock skew too great"