When capturing data to identify a problem, I find that the PCAP fills up quickly because my network is very busy. What capture filters can I use to gather just the information I'm interested in when taking packet captures on my ProxySG, ASG, or ISG appliance?
The default packet capture file size is 100MB, but can be increase to allow capture of up to 3% of the available system memory at startup (not to exceed 4GB). Increasing the buffer capacity of the capture file is done manually each time and cannot be set to automatically capture more than the default for future captures. Instructions on modifying the buffer size can be found in KB Article: 168795
Consider the following when examining proxied traffic in a packet capture:
Most common PCAP filters to use on a ProxySG appliance:
Capture Traffic by Client IP: ip host x.x.x.x Where x.x.x.x is the IP address of the client initiating the request.
Capture client IP address, or destination IP of Origin Content Server or DNS requests: ip host x.x.x.x || ip host y.y.y.y || port 53 where x.x.x.x is the IP address of the client who initiated the request and y.y.y.y is the IP address of the origin content server.
Capture client IP address or request for a specific domain: ip host x.x.x.x || host www.example.com where x.x.x.x is the IP address of the client who initiated the request and www.example.com is the domain the user is has requested.
Capture native FTP issue: port ftp || port ftp-data
Capture multicast packet to troubleshoot a ProxySG appliance failover deployment: ip multicast
Capture from all traffic from a specific network from LAN: src net This will capture traffic for all IPs on the netmask network.
You can use Wireshark or your preferred packet analyzer to view packet capture taken from Blue Coat/Symantec proxies.