Unable to download Red Hat Linux Channels to start Patch Management Import for Linux, or Patch Management Import fails.
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Unable to download Red Hat Linux Channels to start Patch Management Import for Linux, or Patch Management Import fails.


Article ID: 164373


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Patch Management Solution IT Management Suite Client Management Suite


Unable to download Red Hat Linux Channels to start the Patch Management Import for Linux process.

Altiris logs show the following messages:

Verifying RHN subscriptions
  Rhsm: Consumer Uuid 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 isn't valid for RHEL-I386-CLIENT-6
System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection.
Parameter name: index
   at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException(ExceptionArgument argument, ExceptionResource resource)
   at Altiris.PatchManagementLinux.Redhat.RhnSoftwareRepository.RegisterRhnSystems(Dictionary`2 supportedOs, Dictionary`2& enitlement)
   at Altiris.PatchManagementLinux.Redhat.RhnSoftwareRepository.ImportChannels()
Please check that valid RHN userName/password are specified.


Failed to register RHN systems, please check that valid RHN userName/password are specified.

REST request failed. Response: StatusCode: 403, ReasonPhrase: 'Forbidden', Version: 1.1, Content: System.Net.Http.StreamContent, Headers:
x-candlepin-request-uuid: 21b03912-9367-42e1-88f7-282e8bc00366
X-Version: x.x.xx-x
X-Version: x.x.xx-x
Transfer-Encoding: chunked
Date: xxx, xx xxx xxxx xx:xx:xx xxx
Server: Apache-Coyote/1.1
Content-Type: application/json



ITMS 8.x

Red Hat Linux


The user credentials used in Settings > All Settings > Software > Patch Management > Red Hat Settings > Red Hat Patch Remediation Settings, Red Hat Network tab, does not have sufficient rights to access the channel manifest for downloading.


This is corrected by adding the Organizational Administrator role to the user account in the Red Hat Customer Portal using an account that has rights to make the change. Additionally, 13 free licenses are needed to download all channels.

To add the Organizational Administrator role:

  1. Log into the Red Hat Customer Portal with a user account that has sufficient rights to edit user accounts.
  2. Once in the Red Hat Customer Portal, click the user name in the upper right corner and select User Management under Red Hat Account.
  3. Place a check next to the user to be edited that is configured in the Symantec Console, Red Hat Network tab,
  4. Click the Edit button on the bottom of the page.
  5. In the edit page, select the Access Permissions tab.
  6. In the Account Roles section, enable Organization Administrator
  7. Click Save.
  8. Run the Channel Import from the Import Patch Data for Red Hat task.

After the task runs, you can optionally revert the user access permissions for this account. However, note that Red Hat will occasionally run a self-healing task that will revoke the certificates used for channel and errata import. If you see the same errors, re-performing the above steps will be necessary to download the new certificates and to run the channel import again.

Issue may also be due to unsuccessful automatic subscription attachment. ITMS emulates servers, one per channel selected in the Red Hat Linux Metadata Import Task Channel Import section. In the Red Hat Subscription Manager console, locate the Notification Server entries and assign the applicable subscriptions. The Channel Import will then be able to successfully download the expected channel data.

Additional Information

For additional reasons the channel import may fail, see the article: Getting: Channel import failed, check Altiris Log for detailed information