Error "Exception: A task with Guid <GUID> is already running." appears in the IT Analytics Event Viewer
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Error "Exception: A task with Guid <GUID> is already running." appears in the IT Analytics Event Viewer


Article ID: 154209


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IT Analytics


When trying to process an IT Analytics cube or report, the error "Exception: A task with Guid <GUID> is already running." appears in the IT Analytics Event Viewer, and the cube or report fails to process.

Exception: A task with Guid <GUID> is already running.


Three known issues can cause this error:

  1. The task is already running as the error states. This can occur if it is scheduled or another user is running it, when a different user tries to run it. Allow sufficient time for the task to complete where it was originally invoked at before trying to run it again.
  2. The task is locked. Reboot the Symantec Management Server to resolve the issue.
  3. Files in the Microsoft SQL Server Analysis Server associated with IT Analytics have become corrupted are are required to be deleted. The following article describes how to do this:

    How to reset the Microsoft SQL Server Analysis Server database file folder used by ITA

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