Changing the Home Directory for PGP Command Line for each command (temporary)
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Changing the Home Directory for PGP Command Line for each command (temporary)


Article ID: 153398


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This article details how to change the home directory for PGP Command Line when using AIX, Solaris, Linux, Fedora Core, or HP-UX.



Changing the Home Directory for PGP Command Line

The home directory is where PGP Command Line stores the files that it creates and uses; for example, keyring files. By default, the PGP Command Line installer creates the PGP Command Line home directory at $HOME/.pgp. If this directory does not exist, it will be created.

For example, if the value of $HOME for user "alice" is /usr/home/alice, PGP Command Line will attempt to create /usr/home/alice/.pgp.

The PGP Command Line installer will not try to create any other part of the directory listed in the $HOME variable, only .pgp.

If you want the home directory changed on a permanent basis, you will need to create the $PGP_HOME_DIR environment variable and specify the path of the desired home directory.



To change the home directory for a command


pgp --list-keys --home-dir other-pgp-files/

This changes the home directory for this command to "other-pgp-files/"


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