Excluding Microsoft SQL Server files and folders using Centralized Exceptions
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Excluding Microsoft SQL Server files and folders using Centralized Exceptions


Article ID: 151557


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Endpoint Protection


Symantec Endpoint Protection (SEP) clients scan Microsoft SQL Server files and folders by default.

  • This increases the amount of disk IO on the computer and can cause slower performance in the installed SQL server instances.
  • The SEP client is not able to scan the data structures within the Microsoft SQL Server database files, and cannot detect threats or risks inside them.
  • It is possible, though highly unlikely, that IO conflicts between the SEP client and the SQL server could cause data corruption.


To minimize the impact of the SEP client Auto-Protect and scheduled scans on the performance of the SQL Server, exclude the folders recommended by Microsoft housing Microsoft SQL Server database files as suggested by the Microsoft article below. For more information on configuring exclusions, see Creating Exceptions Policies in the Endpoint Protection Manager and Configuring Centralized Exceptions policies in Endpoint Protection Manager .

Additional Microsoft SQL server information regarding recommendations pertaining to an acceptable security posture, and based on the organizational requirements of your organization, are detailed in the following Microsoft article: How to choose antivirus software to run on computers that are running SQL Server.

Note: It is necessary to exclude the folders containing these files for maximum effectiveness. Folder based exclusions are processed before Auto-Protect or scheduled scans access a file where file name or extension based exclusions are processed after the scan happens.