SEE 11.4 MPX, SEE 12, SEE 12.0.1
Important Note: It is not usually recommended to decrypt drives. Decrypting drives could leave the system in a vulnerable state and should be done only with special considerations such as the following:
*Where the machine is located (inside of a secured location our out in the wild).
*What the reason for decrypting is? Is it a troubleshooting step?
Typically, decrypting is not necessary for most troubleshooting and may be more risky than it's worth.
*Are you decrypting to upgrade Windows? This is not needed as our software has functionality to accommodate this seamlessly.
179265 - Automatically upgrade Windows 10/11 systems encrypted with Symantec Endpoint Encryption (SEE)
*Are you trying to upgrade the SEE Client? Decrypting is not necessary in order to upgrade the SEE Client.
252118 - Installing and Upgrading the Symantec Endpoint Encryption Client (Deployment of SEE Client)
*Decrypting systems remotely has inherent risks associated to it, and it is better to decrypt while working on the system in front of you to ensure security.
153530 - Best Practices: Symantec Endpoint Encryption and Symantec Drive Encryption
If you are thinking about decrypting systems remotely, it is best to reach out to Symantec Encryption Support for further guidance.