DX NetOps Spectrum to ServiceNow integration - Can Alarm Notifier / SDNotifier be used?
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DX NetOps Spectrum to ServiceNow integration - Can Alarm Notifier / SDNotifier be used?


Article ID: 145138


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CA Spectrum DX NetOps


Integrating CA Spectrum with ServiceNow for auto ticketing is it possible to use SDNotifier and SANM Policy?
The OneClick Administration -> Service Desk Configuration page allow you to specify the Service Desk servers to interface. Is it possible to have more than one ServiceNow server?



Q) Is it possible to use SDNotifier and SANM Policy with ServiceNow for auto ticketing?

A) Yes. Follow these steps:
  1. Copy the <$SPECROOT>/Notifier/AlarmNotifier.exe file to the <$SPECROOT>/Notifier/sd_notifier/ directory, renaming the file as <$SPECROOT>/Notifier/sd_notifier/SDNotifier.exe.

    Note: The executable files that are referenced in this procedure (for example, SDNotifier) do not have an extension on Linux systems.
  2. Copy the <$SPECROOT>/Notifier/.alarmrc file to the <$SPECROOT>/Notifier/sd_notifier/directory as .alarmrc.
  3. In the <$SPECROOT>/Notifier/sd_notifier/.alarmrc file, modify the Set script, Clear script, and Update script entries to point to the CA Service Desk-specific scripts found in <$SPECROOT>/Notifier/sd_notifier. The actual scripts are named ServiceDeskSetScript, ServiceDeskClearScript, and ServiceDeskUpdateScript.

    Note: Use caution and look for relative pathnames to these scripts. Verify that the pathnames point to the correct directory.
  4. In the <$SPECROOT>/Notifier/sd_notifier/.alarmrc file, change the application name entry to 'SDNotifier'.
  5. Run <$SPECROOT>/Notifier/sd_notifier/ServiceDeskIntegrationSetup.exe.
  6. Run SDNotifier.exe.
  7. Navigte to Locator -> SANM -> All Application - > Double click> OK > select SDNotifiir (right side) > Information tab -> General Information 
  8. Create a policy that uses your preferred filters.
  9. Apply the policy to your application named "SDNotifier"
     10. Done, now tickets will be created automatically in ServiceNow for Alarms which Matches the Policy and filters criteria. 
Important! When using SANM to generate trouble tickets, first set the Selected Alarm Types parameter on the Service Desk Configuration Administration page to NONE. Be sure to save the change.

Q) is it possible to have more than one ServiceNow server integrated with Spectrum OneClick server?

A) No.

On the Service Desk Integration page you can see the following Note:

that states you can add CA Service Desk type more than once (so you can interface with more than one CA Service Desk server) but for the other service desk types (like ServiceNow, BMC Remedy etc.) only once can be added. In other words you cannot have two SNOW integrated with the same OneClick server, this because Spectrum is using common component ( NIM) to integrate Service Now and BMC Remedy. NIM allows only one instance for each type but not multiple instances for same type. Spectrum to CA SDM is direct integration which allows multiple CA SDM to configure.

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