The following error is seen running the "ServiceDeskIntegrationSetup" to integrate with CA Service Desk:
Can't locate Term/ in @INC (you may need to install the Term::ReadKey module) (@INC contains: PERL2EXE_STORAGE /usr/Spectrum/Notifier/sd_notifier /tmp/p2xtmp-11134) at /usr/Spectrum/Notifier/sd_notifier/ServiceDeskIntegrationSetup line 41.
Release : 21.2.x, 22.2.x running on Linux
Component : Spectrum Integrations/Service Desk
Missing the perl module and wrong path in the ServiceDeskIntegrationSetup utility
# sudo rpm -qa | grep perl-TermReadKey*
# sudo find / -name
Install the perl-TermReadKey package.
# sudo yum install perl-TermReadKey*
Download the attached perl script and place it in $SPECROOT/Notifier/sd_notifier/ directory.
Change the file permission to 755:
# chmod 755
Run the script:
# ./
The fix will be in an upcoming release in December 2022 (tentatively).