What is the meaning of most common error for Scalability Collect job ?
Client Automation - All versions
2020-01-28 11:44:46 Performing Job:ScalaName Collect
2020-01-28 11:45:05 Common Server Collect Failed
This could indicate a communication problem with cserver plugin on scalability server.
Try to restart it :
caf stop cserver
caf kill cserver
caf start cserver
See: Collect job Error "Common Server Collect Failed"
2020-01-28 11:48:29 Performing Job:ScalaName Collect
2020-01-28 11:58:45 Software Signatures validation failed for sector ScalaName
2020-01-28 12:09:04 Intellisig validation failed for sector ScalaName
Could indicate a communication problem with plugin amrss on scalability server.
Try to restart amrss on scalability server :
caf stop amrss
caf kill amrss
caf start amrss
Could also indicate a CAM communication problem between Domain and Scalability Server.
Try camping from Domain to Scalability to check if it works:
camping <scala_name>
2020-01-28 12:14:36 Performing Job:ScalaName Collect
2020-01-28 12:17:01 Unable to open Server:ScalaName
This could indicate a network communication between Domain and Scalability Server
Check where is the communication problem using these commands :
ping scala_name
camping scala_name
caf ping scala_name
This could also indicates a wrong address stored in database for a scalability server (due to a resolution name problem).
Following SQL Query displays the name of Collect Job with its associated Scalability Server Host Name
SELECT n.joname 'Job Name', s.host_name 'Scalability Server Name'
FROM ncjobcfg n, ca_server s
WHERE n.jotype =10 and UPPER(n.jocmd)=UPPER(convert(char(50),s.server_uuid,2))
4- Scalability Server should be created again in database. Check with SQL Query above if hostname is correct.
Link the new created Collect Job to the appropriate Engine.