MSP Error: "The last time you opened 'ProjectID' it caused a serious error..."
Article ID: 140119
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Clarity PPM SaaSClarity PPM On Premise
When attempting to open a project from Clarity to Microsoft Project (MSP), you see the error: "The last time you opened 'ProjectID' it caused a serious error. Do you still want to open it?"
Release : All Supported Releases
This error is a warning due to the last time the project being opened there was an issue that caused MSP to crash, hang, or stop responding.
If this is the first you've seen this message, click Yes and see if the project now opens successfully in case there was a one time event that caused the issue.
If the project still doesn't open, check the symptoms after clicking Yes to the message. Examples of symptoms to check for:
Does opening hang at any of the following steps (message will appear at the bottom right hand of MSP if using the new driver):
Writing to XML
Opening to XML
Connecting to PPM
Somewhere else in the opening process
Is there any error message after clicking yes to the first error message?
Does the XML generate, if so, how much of the XML loads (does it hang in time phased data, does it get to the end of the project (There's a </Project>)
Does the MPP file generate?
These symptoms will help more in pointing to the cause and solution.
Based on any additional symptoms observed, see KB: MSP opening projects issues - master KB to see if your issue is a match for any of the list of known issues that may cause this issue documented in
Note: Even after applying a fix that is causing this issue, you may still see this error the first time the project is opened after the fix is applied. Click Yes to open the project.