Windows Core 2016 Special Instructions OM Web Viewer 12.1
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Windows Core 2016 Special Instructions OM Web Viewer 12.1


Article ID: 130578


Updated On:


Output Management Web Viewer


Windows Server Core is a minimal server installation option for the Windows Server 2016 operating system. With the Server Core option, the standard user interface (GUI) is not installed; you manage the server using the command line, Windows PowerShell, or by remote methods.
Because of this, special instructions are provided to install and run Web Viewer 12.1 on Windows Core 2016.


  1. Windows Server Core 2016
  2. MS Windows 10
  3. MS Windows Admin Center
  4. Output Management Web Viewer 12.1 
  5. Java
  6. Apache Tomcat®


Special instructions are required to install on Windows Server Core


While this article specifies Windows 2016 and Windows 10, the information may be applicable to later versions.  See Manage a Server Core server. 


  1. Obtain a Windows 10 system to be used to transfer files to the Core system
  2. Download a Windows 64 bit java executable installation (jre) to the Windows 10 system.
  3. Download the Web Viewer 12.1 installation ISO to the Windows 10 system  
  4. Extract CAOMWV.EXE from the ISO
  5. Download the latest maintenance build for Web Viewer 12.1  
  6. Unzip and locate the CA_OM_WEBVIEWER_12_1_Updt.jar under the resulting \Multiplatform folder.
  7. Download the Windows Admin Center to the Windows 10 system. Use this Windows Admin Center link to download and install it.

Transferring files to Windows Core:

  1. Start the Windows Admin Center on Windows 10
  2.  Add the Windows Core System
  3.  Connect to the Windows Core System, for example
  4. Open a new window on the Admin Center, and then click the Files option on the left Pane



5.  Click on the “More” button
6.  Then click “Upload” to upload the Windows java install executable to the Core system.
7. Upload CAOMWV.EXE to the Windows Core System.
8. Upload the latest maintenance build, 
CA_OM_WEBVIEWER_12_1_Updt.jar, to the Windows Core System

Installing on Windows Core

1. Install java on the Core system:

jre-8-windows-i586.exe /s /L C:\pathsetup.log

Note: The actual Java executable may be different.

2. On the Windows Core system, execute CAOMWV.EXE
3. Follow the documented instructions to install the product.
4. Create the System environment variable that is required for external configuration Web Viewer:

setx CAOMWV12_HOME "C:\Program Files\CA\CA_OM_Web_Viewer" /m

Note: This assumes that you placed Web Viewer in the default directory. Change the value of CAOMWV12_HOME if you installed Web Viewer somewhere else.

5. Configure OM Web Viewer as usual by running ConfigTool.bat.

Bringing up Web Viewer
  1. From the Windows 10 System, run the Windows Admin Center
  2. Connect to the Windows Core system and start the Tomcat Service on the Windows Core system.
  3. Web Viewer 12.1 should be running. Attempt to logon and report and problems, if any.
  4. On the Windows Core system, apply the maintenance build, java -jar CA_OM_WEBVIEWER_12_1_Updt.jar 
  5. Increase the heap size. You can do this on the Windows Core machine on the command line (See Below)
  6. Restart Tomcat.


Additional Information

Increase your heap size - important.  Specify your version of Tomcat as needed.