Agile Central - Error: Systematic "We hit a snag" message on the Dashboard
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Agile Central - Error: Systematic "We hit a snag" message on the Dashboard


Article ID: 121428


Updated On:


Rally On-Premise Rally SaaS


We can't get to the dashboard. With every hit to access the dashboard, there's an error reading "Whoops, We hit a snag". 
We cleared the broswer's cookies and cache, but it didn't help.

- What does this error mean?  How can we resolve this?


Component: ACSAAS


If clearing the browser's cache and cookies (Full History clear) did not help then the error may be happening due to data problems. The chances are this is happening due to one of your apps on your dashboard. To resolve it you shall access the dashboard in Safe Mode, then remove your apps, one at a time, and retry your access, until this resolves.