Unable to change the Start date of the Week in Time Scale Value views from Monday to Sunday
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Unable to change the Start date of the Week in Time Scale Value views from Monday to Sunday


Article ID: 109739


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Clarity PPM SaaS Clarity PPM On Premise


Even though Start Day of Week is set to Sunday in Project Management Settings in Clarity PPM, you are unable to see the TSV (portlet time scaled value) data start on Sunday.

Another symptom seen is that the weekly periods periods don't match Timesheet periods if Timesheet periods start on a different day of the week other than Monday. This impacts portlets that use TSV including Resource Planning portlets such as the Weekly Detail portlet. 


Component: ODPRM


This is working as designed.

  • Time Scale Value grids in Classic PPM (for non-fiscal calendar TSV periods using a weekly scale) will use the Datamart ISO calendar. (See more details on the Datamart ISO calendar at: Datamart calendar table sets up weekly periods to start on Mondays)
  • Exceptions where you are able to specify a different start day aside from the ISO Standard day of Monday would include Time Reporting Periods, which uses a separate setting. There are also some reports that utilize parameter settings. 
  • As referenced in the documentation, the setting 'Start Day of Week' in Administration->Project Management->Settings is used for Resource Calendars and Schedulers (such as Open Workbench (OWB)).