Unable to add attribute in DWH if associated to a master object
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Unable to add attribute in DWH if associated to a master object


Article ID: 105706


Updated On:


Clarity PPM On Premise


Unable to add the attribute in Data Warehouse (DWH), when we create a new attribute with same values, we are able to add in DWH.


Release: All Supported Releases


  • The Attribute belongs to an object of type “Subobject” and the attribute is “inherited” from the Master. The Attribute needs to be configured on at the Master object level.

  • Example: The Attribute belongs to an out of the box object, like the Project object, but it is inherited from the Investment object.
    You can identify those attributes that fall under this scenario if they appear under a different Database Table IE INV_INVESTMENTS, instead of odf_ca_project.


Verify if it should be associated / included via a different object: 
    • Check the database table name and the database table column name for each of the attributes and check the schema for those attributes. 
    • If they belong to another table and a different object, check if it can be included in the data warehouse on the other object.
Example: If the attribute was created on the Investment attribute, that is where you would include it in the DWH

Additional Information

Also check OOTB Clarity attribute is not in DWH