Planned Cost on Financial Plan Summary does not match Project Storyboard report
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Planned Cost on Financial Plan Summary does not match Project Storyboard report


Article ID: 101537


Updated On:


Clarity PPM SaaS Clarity PPM On Premise


The Planned Cost on the Project Storyboard report does not match the Planned Cost that is on the Financial Plan Summary on the project in Clarity. 


Project Financial Plan Summary shows: 

  • Planned Cost 999,000
  • Planned Cost Start 4/1/18
  • Planned Cost Finish 3/29/19

Project Storyboard report shows:

  • Planned Cost 910,000


Release: All
Component: Clarity Financial Management


The Fiscal Time Slices did not cover the range of the Planned Cost.
In this example, the Planned Cost range is 4/1/18 to 3/29/19, but the Fiscal Time Slices have From Date 12/1/15 and Expiration Date 10/1/17. 


  1. Update the Fiscal Time Slices so that From Date and Expiration Date cover the Planned Cost date range.
  2. Ensure that all 'Monthly' Fiscal Time Periods are Active (Finance -> Setup -> Entities.  Select an entity, click on the Fiscal Time Periods tab)
  3. Run job 'Update Report Tables'
  4. Run job 'Load Data Warehouse' Full mode

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