We are having one or more of the following issues:
The Time Slicing job was interrupted and/or the BG log indicates an error caused by environmental factors beyond the control of the Clarity application/administrator such as database contention/outages/connection issues.
The following methods will force a reslice, which will be forcing the Time Slicing job to regenerate data items. No data is ever deleted, but rather, is regenerated.
For Jaspersoft reports to be updated, make sure the following jobs are completed also:
Here is the best practice for setting up the time slices to coincide with the fiscal time periods.
A. Set up the fiscal time slices
1. Pause the Time Slicing job
2. Go to Administration > Data Administration > Time Slices
3. Sort by column "Slice Period" and review the 'Fiscal' types.
For each Fiscal type (there are 13), right-click the slice name and open it in a new tab.
a. Set the From Date, Number of Periods(in Months). This is to be provided by the business or by the Support team.
b. Clear out the Expiration Date.
c. Click Save and Return.
Do this for the remaining slices. Note that the 'Last Run Date' will be blank, which indicates it is yet to be processed by the Time Slicing job.
Note: If the DWH Entity is reset from the Administration > System Options page, it will reset the 13 DWH fiscal time slices.
Best Practice: The 'Number of Periods' for the DWH fiscal time slice IDs should ideally match that of the MONTHLY resource time slices (ids 4,5,6,7)
B. Set up the fiscal time periods.
Note: The entity must have Monthly (or 13 period) fiscal time periods set up to cover the time range of the time slice requests.
Otherwise, the time slice requests are ignored when the Time Slicing job runs and will appear blank.
To create and activate additional fiscal time periods
1. Go to Admin > Finance > Setup > Entities >
2. select entity > Fiscal Time Periods
3. Click New and create the following monthly fiscal time periods
a. JAN 1 2021 to DEC 31 2021
b. JAN 1 2022 to DEC 31 2022
4. Select the created fiscal time periods and
go to the top right-hand side of the page, click Action > Activate
C. Unpause the Time Slicing job and let it complete.
D. Run the required jobs to ensure data is available for portlets and Jaspersoft Reports.
1. Datamart Extraction
2. Load DWH - with Full parameter checkmarked
Best Practices to Prevent Issue with Time Slicing job failure.
1. Do not restart BG services whilst the Time Slicing job is running / processing.
2. Set jobs that XOG data in to be incompatible with the Time Slicing job from Administration > Data Administration > Reports and Jobs > select Time Slicing job > Incompatible tab
3. Run the Time Slicing job to run every 5 minutes, instead of every minute.
If there are any questions on re-slicing, please open a case with Support.