Email Quarantine users are unable to make changes to "Notification Frequency"
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Email Quarantine users are unable to make changes to "Notification Frequency"


Article ID: 169739


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Email Quarantine users are trying to make changes to their notification frequency but the options are grayed out in the quarantine portal.


  • Email
  • Managment Portal
  • Email Quarantine


To configure Email Quarantine notifications and frequency in the Managment Portal:

  1.  Select Services > Email Services > Email Quarantine and navigate to the New Account Defaults section.
  2.  Select Global Settings or a domain for custom settings.
  3.  In the Notifications area, check Users receive welcome messages and summary notifications to enable this feature.

    Typically, this setting to send welcome messages and summary notifications is applied to all new accounts that are created in Email Quarantine. This notification setting can be overridden when a Quarantine Administrator creates an account. Also, where notifications are enabled for an Email Quarantine user's account, that user may also be able to switch notifications off themselves. You can permit new users to override these notification settings if required.
  4. If you have selected to send notifications, specify the time zone, frequency, and time of day at which notifications are sent. Only Email Quarantine users can receive notifications more often than once a day, or specify the time of day when notifications are received.

    This setting only affects the default configuration for new accounts. If this setting is changed after the activation of Email Quarantine, it does not affect existing accounts.
  5. Specify the default language for the welcome messages and notifications that Email Quarantine sends. If a user selects a different language for the Email Quarantine display, the default setting for notifications is overridden. Email Quarantine is not associated with a specific domain or client. Email Quarantine can detect the appropriate language for the logon screen using the web browser's localization settings.
  6. Click Save and Exit.

Note: These settings can be applied at the Global Setting or to a specfic domain, if required.

To permit users to override default notification settings:

  1.     Select Services > Email Services > Email Quarantine.
  2.     Select Global Settings or a domain for custom settings.
  3.     Navigate to the New Account Defaults section.
  4.     Check the Users can override notification defaults checkbox to provide access to modify the notification settings in the quarantine portal for users.