How to enable Performance Monitor Logging for Symantec Mail Security for Microsoft Exchange.
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How to enable Performance Monitor Logging for Symantec Mail Security for Microsoft Exchange.


Article ID: 177677


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Mail Security for Microsoft Exchange


For troubleshooting purposes it is necessary to gather Performance related data to identify an issue with Symantec Mail Security for Microsoft Exchange (SMSMSE).


When troubleshooting a resource utilization problem the Windows Performance Monitor is an optional tool to gather additional information. This information is stored in a Perfmon log.

To set up the Performance Monitor tool to collect information

  1. Save the attached file SMSMSE2012_2016_2019.xml to your local drive.
  2. On the taskbar click Right-Click Start Menu > Run.
  3. In Open box, type:

  4. Click OK. A window named "Reliability and Performance Monitor" appears.
  5. In the left pane expand Data Collector Sets.
  6. Click User Defined.
  7. On the menu at the top, click Action > New > Data Collector Set. A wizard called "Create new Data Collector Set" appears.
  8. Give the new data collector set a descriptive name, such as SMSMSE and leave the default at Create from a template (recommended) then click Next.
  9. On the "Which template would you like to use?" page, click Browse... .
  10. Navigate to the SMSMSE2012_2016_2019.xml file, select it, and click Open.
  11. By default the files are saved in C:\PerfLogs\Admin\SMSMSE_2012_2016_2019. If you'd like to save to a different drive, click Next and enter the preferred file path under the Root directory box and click Ok. Otherwise, click Finish
  12. Now what should be visible is the following: Performance -> Data Collector Sets -> User Defined view with a new counter named SMSMSE.
  13. Right click the SMSMSE log counter and click Start.
  14. Configure the data collector to restart when the computer starts.

a. Start the Task Scheduler by Right-Click Start Menu > Run,  in the open box type in:  taskschd.msc
b. Browse to Task Scheduler Library -> Microsoft -> Windows –> PLA.
c. Enable Hidden Tasks (View ->  Show Hidden Tasks).
d. Right click on the SMSMSE entry in the Tasks list and select Properties to bring up the SMSMSE task properties window.
e. Click on the Triggers tab and click the New... button to bring up the New Trigger dialog window.
f. Select At startup from the Begin the task drop-down box and click the OK button to save the new trigger.
g. Click the OK button to close the SMSMSE task properties window.


Re-create the issue

Now that the server is ready to capture all of the data, re-create the issue being worked on. Once the issue has successfully re-created, all logging can be disabled, and it is possible to move on to the next section. Stop the PerfMon logging from within the Performance Applet by right-clicking on the log that was created, and selecting "Stop".

Submit the logs to Symantec for Analysis

  1. Navigate to the location chosen in step 11 of the To set up the Performance Monitor tool to collect information instructions. Default C:\PerfLogs\Admin

  2. Zip the folder SMSMSE2012_2016_2019 and attach the resulting zip file to the case.



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