The following errors are seen on the logs and some agents with these polices will not update their configuration.
Have seen some instances where the Remediation Center displays Bulletins with Staged=False, when in fact they are Staged=True. This appears to be a visual of the issue on the Remediation Center.
Source: Altiris.NS.AgentManagement.PolicyRequest.LoadItemPolicy
Description: Unable to generate policy XML for item: [Software Update Name] [Software Update Policy Name] (Software Update Advertisement GUID)
Source: Altiris.PatchManagementCore.Policies.SoftwareUpdateAdvertisement.OnBuildClientConfigXml2
Description: SoftwareUpdateAdvertisment::BuildClientConfig2() error generating sofwtare update config No rows returned by store procedure spPMCore_GetConfigInfoForSoftwareUpdate
Source: Altiris.PatchManagementCore.Resources.PatchSoftwareUpdateResource.BuildConfigXml
Description: PatchSoftwareUpdateResource::Build config XML
Source: Altiris.PatchManagementCore.Utilities.StoredProcStubs.GetConfigInfoForSoftwareUpdate
Description: GetConfigInfoForSoftwareUpdate()::error calling stored procedure No rows returned by store procedure spPMCore_GetConfigInfoForSoftwareUpdate
Source: Altiris.PatchManagementCore.Policies.SoftwareUpdateAdvertisement.OnBuildClientConfigXml2
Description: SoftwareUpdateAdvertisement::base.OnBuildClientConfigXml2() Unable to build the client configuration XML for advertisement with guid {<GUID>}. Reason: Unable to locate the advertisement details: '<SoftwareUpdateName> for <SoftwareUpdatePolicyName>' (<GUID>).
Additional errors found on other cases resolved by this process:
Item save to DB failed: 0c4f61e5-bdd6-41c0-bc8d-59c279bcfa18, (fromClone=False, user=USERNAME\s_symantec) Attempt to get Automation policy 0c4f61e5-bdd6-41c0-bc8d-59c279bcfa18 resulted in exception: Altiris.NS.Exceptions.AeXUnauthorizedAccessException: The item '0744f9ce-c531-46fd-b976-b56201c218ea' was loaded as readonly and cannot be saved.
Could not find a part of the path 'C:\apps\Patch Management\Packages\Updates\MS11-044\{cb4c76c4-703c-428e-a10d-7ae4378e00d5}'
Error copying package files to new location C:\apps\altiris\Patch Management\Packages\Updates\MS11-044\{cb4c76c4-703c-428e-a10d-7ae4378e00d5}. Package location will be unchanged
Unable to manage the distribution points under user [USERNAME\s_symantec] for package: 'IE11-Windows6.1-KB2976627-x86.msu' (0fd79728-18bd-8ada-b500-db127072eb53)
The associations between the Software Update Package / Installation Files have become corrupt.
Specific possible cause; Import Patch Data for Windows is not running clean up tasks for Software Update Packages and deadlocking during the Download Software Updates portion of clean-up.
These associations are created on-the-fly during the creation process. The recreation process is the best method to restore these resource associations, for it would take an extensive amount of time and multiple SQL scripts just to isolate the missing associations and restore them one by one.
Moving forward: Work through the following will rebuild the Software Update Policies with the proper resource associations, run the attached performance scripts for Revise Software Updates during the PMImport, and disable unnecessary Software Update Policies (allow for clients to update configuration and receive the changes) and delete them when confirmed clients received the change. This will ensure the issue doesn't arise again as the environment could be experiencing performance issues when recreating the associations during the PMImport.
First run the 'Check Software Update Package Integrity' Job; see if the Update to Advertisement resource associations can be rebuilt through automation.
Work through the following to resolve this issue and recreate the Resource Associations from the Software Update Policy to the Software Update Package and ensure they are targetable to the Client / Resources themselves:
Advisory: The following SQL Query results will reveal a list of Bulletins and Updates for which the packages need to be recreated with a null or blank entry in PM 7.0 - 7.1 (see attached doc below for PM 7.1 SP1+):
select * from vRM_Software_Update_Item su
join ResourceAssociation rasc2c on rasc2c.ParentResourceGuid = su.Guid
and rasc2c.ResourceAssociationTypeGuid = '292DBD81-1526-423A-AE6D-F44EB46C5B16'--Software Component to Company
join ResourceAssociation rasc2l on rasc2l.ParentResourceGuid = su.Guid
and rasc2l.ResourceAssociationTypeGuid = 'F35C6627-F70C-44A0-AFB8-490CE4D3ECAF'--Software Component Applies To Locale
left join ResourceAssociation rasu2sr on rasu2sr.ParentResourceGuid = su.Guid
and rasu2sr.ResourceAssociationTypeGuid = '9603714F-078D-4B85-989D-81FC23ABF397'--Software Update Applies To Software Release
where rasu2sr.ParentResourceGuid is null
/*Comment out the previous line above to see all packages, not just problem ones.*/
Restarting IIS was required as the final part of the previous steps as it was needed to resolve the issue related to the Additional errors outlined above: