Setting base/starting ticket number and prefixes
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Setting base/starting ticket number and prefixes


Article ID: 18509


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CA Service Desk Manager CA Service Management - Service Desk Manager


How to set the base ticket number and prefix used by CA Service Desk Manager (CA SDM)


Release:  11.2 or higher
Component:  CA Service Desk Manager


Setting the ticket prefix:

In this example "SD-" will be the prefix introduced

  1. Login to service desk as a Administrator.

  2. Click on the Administration tab.

  3. Click on the Service Desk->sequence numbers.

  4. Select Requests/Incidents/Problems.

  5. Click on edit, In the prefix section enter "SD-"- and click on Save.

Adjusting ticket sequence numbering

CA SDM uses the MDB KEY_CONTROL table to assist with ticket numbering.

Following procedure can be followed if there is a need to change the base/starting number used by CA SDM:

  1. Make sure to take a good back up of the CA SDM MDB

  2. Run the following command to backup the Key Control table
    pdm_extract Key_Control > keyctrl-backup.txt
  3. Run the following command to extract the specific entries of interest for sequence number in the Key Control table:
    pdm_extract -f "Select * from Key_Control where key_name LIKE '%.ctl'" > keyctrl.txt
  4. Open the keyctrl.txt file with Notepad.

  5. You will find information as follows:
    TABLE Key_Control
    id key_name key_value
    { "151" ,"crkey.ctl" ,"20" }
    { "154" ,"chgkey.ctl" ,"14" }
    { "155" ,"isskey.ctl" ,"0" } 
    crkey.ctl is for Request ticket numbers
    chgkey.ctl is for Change Order ticket numbers
    isskey.ctl is for Issue ticket numbers

    You need to modify the number next to crkey.ctl to the number you want to.

    For example { "151" ,"crkey.ctl" ,"1000" }. This change will mean that CA SDM Request ticket types will start numbering from 1000.

  6. Save the file.

  7. Run the following command:

    pdm_load -f keyctrl.txt

  8. Restart the CA SDM service