As an Admin, how can I view blocking and possible deadlocks in the Symantec Database?
This article applies to SQL 2005 and higher. SQL has a built-in stored procedure, sp_who2, that lists the SPIDs (processes) along with several additional fields, such as status and current command.
In SQL Management Studio, there is also an Activity Monitor, under the Management folder that provides a graphical view of SPID activity.
Below is a script that can be used when Activity Monitor is not sufficient or unavailable:
SQL Process Blocks information script
Updated January, 2012
set transaction isolation level read uncommitted
select [Database],
procs1.spid SPID, procs1.blocked [Blocking SPID],
when blocked = 0
then '**Block Chain Root**'
when blocked > 0
then 'Blocked by: ' + cast(procs1.blocked as CHAR(10))
end [Status],
procs1.text [Event Info], procs2.text [Blocking Event Info],
procs1.cpu [CPU Time], procs2.cpu [Blocking CPU Time],
procs1.physical_io [Disk IO], procs2.physical_io [Blocking Disk IO]
select procs.dbid, procs.spid, procs.blocked, procs.cpu, procs.physical_io, sql.text
from sys.sysprocesses procs
outer apply sys.dm_exec_sql_text(procs.sql_handle) sql
) procs1
join sys.sysdatabases db
on procs1.dbid = db.dbid
outer apply
select procs.spid, procs.cpu, procs.physical_io, sql.text
from sys.sysprocesses procs
outer apply sys.dm_exec_sql_text(procs.sql_handle) sql
where procs.spid = procs1.blocked
) procs2
where procs1.blocked > 0
--find block chain root
procs1.blocked = 0
and procs1.spid in
select blocked
from sys.sysprocesses
and = db_name()
--put block chain roots at the top
order by procs1.blocked
Additionally the attached script could be run through an SQL Job to gather data that could be used for troubleshooting.