The following instructions describe how to create custom resources. Other related articles are referenced, as the user also may need to create custom data classes, Data Connector Import Rules and custom reports.
- In a Symantec Management Platform Console, click on the Settings button > All Settings.
- Click to open the folders Service and Asset Management > Resource and Data Class Settings > Resource Types.
- On the folder to create a custom resource under, right click and choose New > Resource Type. Note: If a custom resource is already created, select the custom resource and then skip to step 8b.
- In resource name field, enter a name for the custom resource. For example, Smart Phone.
- In the Base Resource Type field, click on the Resource link.
- In the Select a Resource Type window, find and click on the closest out of box resource type to what the custom resource will be modeled after. For example, Cell Phone. Note: It is not recommended to use Resource as the base resource type. This does not inherit any out of box data classes and will require the user to manually set this all up. This should only be used if the user wants complete control over every aspect of creating a custom resource.
- Click on the OK button.
- If custom data classes are to be used:
- Refer to the following article to create custom data classes, or skip to step 8b if they are already created:
How to create custom data classes
KB 181379
- After the custom data classes are created, click on the "Add data classes" button.
- In the Items Selector window, click to select any custom data classes to add.
- Click on the Save Changes button.
- Click on the custom resource's "Save changes" button.
- Add the custom resource to the Symantec Management Platform user interface so that it can be used. The following article describes how to do this:
Custom resources cannot be found in the Symantec Management Platform Console
KB 157544
- Later, after the custom resource is finished being created, a custom report will need to be created to enable users to see these in the Symantec Management Platform Console (as placed in step 10).
a. Refer to the following article to create a custom report for the custom resource:
How to create a custom report that uses a custom resource and custom data classes
KB 181382
b. After the custom report is created, back in the Configuration page for the custom resource, in the "Associated reports" field, click on the "Select a Resource" link.
c. In the Select a Resource window, find and click on the custom report to use.
d. Click on the OK button.
- Click on the custom resource's "Save changes" button.
- If data is to be imported into the custom resource and/or custom data classes.
Once the data is imported, this should appear in where the user has placed the custom resource (step 10) or in the out of box resource where the custom data class was added to.