Email Quarantine targeted deployment
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Email Quarantine targeted deployment


Article ID: 179219


Updated On: 07-15-2024




How to deploy Email Quarantine to reach full vulnerability.




We recommend to review the AntiSpam and Email Quarantine Guides as these provide further details on the deployments tasks that administrators need to take to deploy and manage the service:

Follow these steps to deploy email quarantine to specifically targeted users (for example, key personnel). Caveat: Emails from domains that publish a DMARC policy may be rejected, quarantined or tagged if they fail validation, according to the sending domain’s DMARC policy.  If the emails are quarantined, your end users may automatically receive an Email Quarantine welcome message and summary notification.” 

Configure Email Quarantine settings

  1. Login to the Management Portal
  2. Navigate to Services > Email Services > Email Quarantine
  3. Define the email quarantine settings in the portal as per your organization requirements. Quarantine settings can be defined to apply at a global or domain level.
  4. Setup Quarantine Security Policy
    • Password Controls
      This is where one or all accounts can have passwords force changed. It is also possible to unlock individual accounts from here.
    • Password Policy
      Configure the password policy. Select from either pre-canned policies or customize your own.
    • Acceptable Use Policy
      Define whether a link to the URL is visible in the Symantec Email Quarantine portal and Emails.
  5. Setup Quarantine User Settings
    • Time zone
      Configure the time zone which will define all further time-related settings
    • New Account Defaults
      Define when users receive notifications, whether they can over-ride the settings, whether they have access to the Symantec Email Quarantine and if they can request a sender is added to the approved sender list as well as administrator can select whether to reveal all emails in the quarantine to their users or just those identified by spam, data protection or image control policy.
    • Aliases
      Configure if users are informed when an administrator changes settings which affects their aliases
    • Administrators
      Create accounts which will have administrative access to Symantec Email Quarantine
    • Visibility
      Control the level of detail the user can see in the Symantec Email Quarantine portal and notification email.

Create Anti-spam group

Group settings are not available by default. Contact the Symantec Support team to be provisioned with this feature. When you define a group for the Anti-Spam services, you can apply customized detection settings, actions for suspect mail, and approved and blocked senders lists to the members of the group.

There are two limits to consider when managing Anti-Spam groups. The maximum number of groups per domain is limited to 20. The maximum number of users within these groups is limited to 150 across all groups, per domain.

  1. Select Services > Email Services > Anti-Spam.
  2. From the domains drop-down list, select the domain where you want to create the group.
  3. Click the Groups tab.
  4. Click Create new group. The window is displayed.
  5. In the Create Group dialog box, enter a Group Name of up to 50 characters.
  6. Group names can only contain alphanumeric characters and spaces.
  7. To display the email addresses in the domain, leave the search box blank and click Search.
    The users in the domain are listed in the Available Email Addresses box. To reduce the number of addresses in the list, be more specific with your search text. Email addresses that are marked with * indicate users who have been granted control of user-approved and blocked senders lists.
  8. Locate and select an email address to add to the group and click Add to group. The address is displayed in the Group Members box.
  9. Repeat step 7 - 8 to add additional group members. When you are finished, or if you want to add group members by uploading a .csv file, click Save.

Apply Detection Settings to Anti-spam Group

  1. Select Services > Email Services > Anti-Spam.
  2. From the domains drop-down list, select the domain where you created the group.
  3. From the Group drop-down list, select the group
  4. Select Use custom settings. The Global level settings should be ported to the custom configuration.
  5. Select the Quarantine the mail action where desire. We recommend following Anti-spam best practices for anti-spam efficacy.
  6. Allow up to 1 hour for all of the changes to take effect across our infrastructure.