Creating a job to make a backup image of a PC in Ghost Solution Suite
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Creating a job to make a backup image of a PC in Ghost Solution Suite


Article ID: 179204


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Ghost Solution Suite


 How to create a job to make a backup image of a PC in Ghost Solution Suite


Ghost Solution Suite can be used to create an image of a PC that can serve as a backup. This article will show you how to create a task to backup a PC without overwriting backup images of other PC's.

  • This article applies to Ghost Solution Suite 3.x, not Ghost Standard Tools.
  • Ghost Solution Suite is not designed to be disaster recovery software. A Ghost image can be used as a backup of a particular computer, but Symantec recommends using a dedicated disaster recovery software for that specific purpose.
  1. Launch the Ghost Solution Suite console.
  2. Click File New Job
  3. Type in the name of the job "Backup This PC"
  4. Click the Add button on the right side to add a task to the job.
  5. Choose Create DIsk Image
  6. Click Select Options
  7. Navigate to the folder you want to save the backup image to, then type in "%COMPNAME%.gho" into the FileName field then click OK. This will cause it to save the name of the image as the name of the PC that is being imaged. That way a new image will not overwrite an image that was created by another PC.
    Note that if you create a disk image of a PC with the same name as an existing image it will overwrite the existing image.
  8. Check the box "Do not boot to Production if the client is already in Automation pre-boot" - this will prevent the client from booting to production windows, then back to automation. Automation pre-boot environment field is usually left as Default Automation.

  9. Click Finish