Download product guides, manuals, and other documentation for all versions of Symantec Endpoint Protection (SEP)
For each Version, download the appropriate files that are attached to this article, as shown in the Zip column.
Note: Some product manuals apply to later product releases. For example, the 14.2.2 release uses some of the 14.2.1 product manuals. Some manuals do not change between releases. Each release has its own version of the release notes..
Note: These attachments are available only in English. For languages other than English, click the links that are provided in the table below.
Version |
Zip (English) |
14.3 and later | All documents are located at: Related Documents |
14.2 RU2 MP1 |
14.2 RU2 |
14.2 RU1 MP1 |
14.2 RU1 |
14.2 MP1 |
14.2 |
14.0.1 MP2 |
14.0.1 MP1 |
14.0.1/14.1 |
14 MP2 |
14 MP1 |
14 |
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