HCX - 4.9.0 upgrade will fail if initiated through HCX Appliance-Management 9443 UI
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HCX - 4.9.0 upgrade will fail if initiated through HCX Appliance-Management 9443 UI


Article ID: 321609


Updated On:


VMware HCX


Attempting to upgrade the HCX Connector or Cloud Manager may fail.
If login to the HCX Admin UI (TCP 9443), under Administration - Upgrades the user may not be able to upgrade to 4.9 by browsing the pre-downloaded bundle and the upload will fail.

Note: HCX Connector or Cloud Manager upgrade performed through 443 Standalone/vCenter Plugin UI will be functional.


From HCX 4.9 onwards, the size of HCX Manager upgrade bundle is larger than 5 GB which impacts the upload of pre-downloaded upgrade bundle initiated through UI.
For HCX Release prior to 4.8.2, HCX 9443 UI has a limitation of (5 GB) only to be uploaded through user interface.
HCX 4.8.2 release has support to upload upgrade bundle greater than 5 GB, hence its the only qualified release suitable for 4.9 upgrade if uploaded and triggered through HCX appliance-management UI (:9443).

IMPORTANT: If user has already downloaded the bundle using 443 UI in the HCX Manager system under "/tmp/upgrade/download" directory, then upgrade can be initiated through 9443 UI, as there won't be any need to browse and upload the bundle through UI. In that case, there won't be any restrictions required for any HCX release.